Scala: Stable Identifier Required

This error message seems to be the source of a lot of confusion and pain across the Scala ecosystem. Here, we will attempt to make it less scary.

Take the following:

val b = 2
def simpleMatch(a: Int): String = a match{
  case `b` => "OK"
  case _ => a + " NOK"}
(0 to 5).map(simpleMatch)

The result is:

Vector(0 NOK, 1 NOK, OK, 3 NOK, 4 NOK, 5 NOK)

When we do something as seemingly benign as change the val to a var our work life is immediately made worse

var b = 2
def simpleMatch(a: Int): String = a match{
  case `b` => "OK"
  case _ => a + " NOK"}
(0 to 5).map(simpleMatch)

And the compiler attempts to help us by kindly letting us know error: stable identifier required, but this.b found. What?!?!?!

The Scala Language Specification

When an error message is too terse for understanding a few great places to start are stack overflow, gitter, twitter or any other messaging or questioning service where a lot of scala developers gather. Assuming you've already exhausted these options we dig into the scala language specification (SLS) itself.

Section 3.1 of the SLS states very clearly

A stable identifier is a path which ends in an identifier.

Ok. Not super helpful immediately but, it does lead us to further reading; we need to understand both, paths and identifiers.


Section 1.1 defines identifiers and chapter 2 describes them. It is very dry however illuminating reading. Identifiers are the names of things. The word name here is applied broadly; operators (such as *, +, =, ++=) are also names.


Section 3.1 of the SLS is on Paths. It gives four cases

  • The empty path ε
  • C.this, where C references a class. The path this is taken as a shorthand for C.this where C is the name of the class directly enclosing the reference.
  • p.x where p is a path and x is a stable member of p. Stable members are packages or members introduced by object definitions or by value definitions of non-volatile types.
  • C.super.x.x or C.super[M].x[M].x where C references a class and xx references a stable member of the super class or designated parent class M of C. The prefix super is taken as a shorthand for C.super where C is the name of the class directly enclosing the reference.

The third case helps us here. Our error states error: stable identifier required, but this.b found (this.b looks like p.x). The difference is our b is not a package, object definition or val; it is a var. This makes some semantic sense; the word stable can hardly be used to describe something like a var which can change at any time.

Basically, a stable identifier is simply a name which is bound statically to a value. They are required for certain tasks (like pattern matching) so the compiler can make sense of the code it is generating and the types it is inferring. Next time you see this error just check that your types are well defined, and you are not shadowing any stable names with unstable ones. A quick work around is instead of matching on the unstable identifier you set it equal to a stable one

val definitelyStable = b
def simpleMatch(a: Int): String = a match{
  case `definitelyStable` => "OK"
  case _ => a + " NOK"}
(0 to 5).map(simpleMatch)